
情報処理学会論文誌「教育とコンピュータ」,Vol. 8, No. 2

赤池 英夫,島崎 俊介,成見 哲
An Implementation and Evaluation of a Remote Control System for Logic Circuit Design Assignment using an FPGA
本研究では,本学学内における対面での利用のみを想定して作成されていた実験システムを,やむを得ない理由で遠隔対応させ使用した結果,教育にどのような影響を及ぼしたかを調査した.対象となる実験システムは,本学3年生の実験科目の中のFPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)を用いて初歩的な論理回路を設計する課題で用いられている.作成した回路の動作確認に実機の物理的な操作をともなうため,例年,受講生は機器の設置された計算機室に一堂に介して課題に取り組んできた.2020年度は新型コロナウイルス感染症対策として入構禁止措置がとられたため,学外から機器を操作する仕組みを導入し実験を遂行した.とくに致命的なトラブルもなく実験を行うことはできたが成績の低下がみられた.遠隔対応とすることで学生の望むタイミングで課題に取り組めたことが見出されたものの,対面であれば容易に行える学生の理解度チェックがオンラインでは難しいことも分かり,ひいてはそれが成績低下の一因であることが示唆された.
In this study, we investigated the impacts on education as a result of using an experimental system that was originally designed for face-to-face use only, but was adapted for remote use. The target experimental system is used in the third-year undergraduate laboratory course of our university, where students are required to design elementary logic circuits using an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array). To assure correctness of circuits, they must operate the actual equipment physically. In past years, students have worked on their assignments together in a computer room where the equipment is lined up. But in FY2020, the campus entry was banned as a measure against COVID-19, so we added some functions to the existing equipment and created a GUI application from scratch to control the equipment from outside the campus. Although we were able to complete the experiment without any fatal problems, but the grades declined. It was found that the students were able to work on the assignments at their preferred timing in remote work. However, it was also found that it was difficult to check students’ understanding online, which is easy to do in person. This difficulty was suggested to be one of the reasons for the decline in grades.
情報処理学会論文誌「教育とコンピュータ」, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 51-63 (2022).